Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Bamboozled" - Blackface Montage

This is the final montage from "Bamboozled", a Spike Lee joint about the film industry and its treatment and portrayal of black people. This montage displays a collection of racially demeaning portrayals of African Africans from Hollywood movies from the first half of the 20th century. Lee takes clips from several famous movies and shows, including Gone With the Wind, Birth of a Nation, Little Black Sambo, etc. It's a powerful clip that really speaks for itself. It is accompanied by a subtle musical score composed by Terence Blanchard.

[I reflect on this montage and think about some of the images that are used in today's movies, shows and commercials. While nothing is as overtly racist as images in these clips, derogatory portrayals of minorities are still perpetuated today, and some do come close. It's important to always have a critical eye when watching TV or movies and to really analyze what is being shown.]

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