Monday, May 4, 2009

Eminem - "3 A.M." Video

Eminem is back!

This video is for "3 A.M.", Eminem's newest single. It debuted on Cinemax over the weekend (as you can imagine once you see the video, it is a little too extreme for network television) and is the third track on Eminem's upcoming album "Relapse", which is set to release on May 19th. This video, directed by Syndrome, echoes "House on Haunted Hill" with its creepy camera work, quick cuts, extreme gore and its setting in an abandoned mental hopital. It's a pretty creative and disturbing video, but I gotta say, it's not a surprise coming from Eminem who has a track record of making songs in which he plays the role of a psycho and/or killer.

While I enjoyed this video for its visual creativity, that is only of secondary importance to me. Eminem's last couple albums have been lackluster at best and displayed a frustrating lack of effort; it was as if Eminem wanted to find out how far he could dumb down his flow and still sell tons of records (it got pretty ridiculous). Therefore, the bigger question is whether or not Eminem's flow is still sharp - based purely on this track, I'm not sold - and whether or not he cares about making a decent album. This song is a step in the right direction but taken together with his previous single, the jury is still out. The only thing I can say for sure is that I am eagerly anticipating his next album release and desperately hoping the old Em has returned.

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